Monday, March 2, 2009

Thursday notes

Early in the morning we again joined Betty and Surrey for a morning at the Botanic Garden with Surrey. This morning, Thursday, we arrived just in time to see the Queen Mary 2 being docked in the harbor across the street from the Botanic Garden. We luckily had our camera with us and walked closer to the harbor for some pictures. There were many people on deck waiting for the opportunity to leave the ship for a day in Sydney. We could see them taking pictures of the harbor, and the Garden. This ship was so large it could not dock at Circular Quay, as the Queen Victoria had. It made the size of the military ships look like small toys. We were told there were over 3000 passengers and employees on the ship.

After we arrived home and finished lunch Betty and I took the three finished Rainbow Connection quilts and went to the post office to mail them to Victoria. They will be given to the Red Cross who will pass them on to victims of the bush fires. 2500 homes were destroyed, and many people left homeless. When the 4th quilt is finished (soon), it will also be sent to the Red Cross.

Betty and I spent the rest of the afternoon upstairs gabbing, while Betty was sewing her next project--a lovely quilt for her friend's baby. Each block has a picture that relates to a children's nursery rhyme, which Betty photographed on special paper. Lots of colorful fabric pieces added to each block make this a very interesting quilt.

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