Monday, February 9, 2009

Change in the weather, fun with Alex and Luke

Monday and Tuesday has brought us cooler weather and rain. Barre and Surrey are making progress on the water lily project, slowly but surely. Barre is watching cricket games occasionally, and beginning to understand the game. Today has been a rest day for Surrey after his chemo visit to the hospital yesterday.

Early today, Betty and I went to Healthcote, where the grandkids reside and spent the morning babysitting with Alex and Luke. Luke (almost 18 months) knew I was a stanger when he saw me on Friday, but today I became his friend, and we had a lot of fun. He even let me pick him up and give him a kiss! Alex (2 years older than Luke) remembered me from two years ago, and those weekly visits, so we got re-acquainted and had fun playing with Thomas the train, and the train set on wooden track, and other enjoyable activities, like reading a book, and going for a walk to the fruit market nearby.

I am still learning about my blog and trying to keep track of the procedures to follow. Betty has found the glitch that prevented use of the comments, which get checked before adding to the blog. ( Note there are comments on a previous date) and you can be " annonymous" . This is fun, even though I seem to be a slow learner!

Hope your day is sunny and warm in your corner of the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gang,
Isn't it fun to have grandkids to play with, even if they are someone else's. Linda T had a grand daughter, Kate, and is still in Canada. One of our Thom & Emily's friends just had a girl. So I have had fun buying 'girly' presents.

We are all fine here, weather warm in the day with some melting. Many homes in Durham have severe ice dams and leaking. So far we are good. The crows, however, are really wound up and attacked the house yesterday at all times of the day. This morning they slept in until 8:00.

With all your news about Surrey & Betty we feel like we know them. We keep both of them in our thoughts and prayers.

We had a lovely dinner with Bob, Linda, Jennifer, Joe and the cute little Brice. Then we lost the game. :( My brother Joe is coming up for the PC game on Friday. Hope we do better.

Take care, stay cool and away from the fires. The news & photos we get here are awful.

Katy & Dick