Friday, June 19, 2009

Visitors from Russia

Our friends, Sasha and Elaina arrived safely on Monday evening in Boston. Barre was there to greet them and the plane arrived on schedule! It was a long day for the travelers, and they were very tired from the long trip begining at their home north of Moscow, with a stop over in Germany. Russia is 8 hours ahead of our time, and they arrived in Adams at 11pm, which meant it was early Tuesday morning at home. (Reminds us of a long day on the way to Australia.)

Barre has had a schedule prepared so that both Sasha and Elaina could visit sites which would provide both pondweeds, and mosses, which are their botanical specialties. After a quiet day on Tuesday, and discussion of the plans, with study of maps and locations with Barre, they have spent the rest of the week with long days of botanizing. Even yesterday's heavy rains during the day, did not deter them. The evening meal is served at fashionably late hours, on most days. Today the trip takes them to various sites in Connecticut, and tomorrow will be a trip to the Hudson River in NY.

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